
Do you find yourself “losing it” on others when things are working out that way you hoped? Have your loved ones distanced themselves because of your reactions when you get upset? Do you have a hard time letting go of past hurts and find yourself holding on to grudges that negatively impact your relationships. If you answered yes to any of the questions, you may be struggling with managing and coping with anger.

It’s not that anger is a “bad” emotion. All emotions serve a purpose and are needed, including anger. We don’t need to get rid of anger, rather learn how to engage with it and manage it in a healthy way.  Anger can be a signal that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. Issues arise when anger is left uncontrolled which can have negative impacts on your mental well-being, physical health, and personal relationships. Individuals who have difficulty managing their anger are also more likely to be experiencing challenges related to anxiety, depression, and stress.

While there are endless shelves of self-help books and resources out there to help individuals manage their anger, getting professional support has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of treating issues related to anger. If someone is struggling with anger there may also be something underlying the anger, causing it to become volatile and difficult to control. It is rare that a person is “just angry”.

Getting therapeutic treatment from a professional can help you to better understand your anger as well as regulate and express your emotions in a way that doesn’t end up causing damage to you or the important relationships in your life. There are many approaches that can be used to treat anger and the related challenges you may be experiencing. Together you and your therapist will work towards finding the approach that best addresses your therapeutic goals. If you would like to find out more click on the “Get Started” button above.