It’s 12:30am and you’re trying your hardest to get to sleep before your early start tomorrow but your mind refuses to quit. You’ve already spent hours panicking about that important meeting and all you think about is how you will definitely screw this up and probably end up getting in trouble with your boss, maybe fired even. Does this scenario resonate with you? Do you also spend countless hours ruminating on the worst case? Are you fearful of the judgements other may have of you? If any of this is hitting home with you then you may be struggling with anxiety.
Anxiety is among on one of the most common mental health disorders in Canada and if you’re not struggling with anxiety, you likely know someone who is. Anxiety is not the same for any two people and individuals can struggle with anxiety in very different ways. There are several different anxiety disorders that are found in the DSM V (the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals):
· Panic Disorder
· Phobia
· Selective Mutism
· Agoraphobia
· Social Anxiety Disorder
· Separation Anxiety
· Generalized Anxiety Disorder
You don’t need to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder to suffer from the symptoms related with anxiety. If you notice that you tend to avoid situations that bring up anxious feelings of distress, you may benefit from individual therapy focused on addressing your anxiety. There are many therapeutic approaches that target anxiety, all of which have research and evidence that show they are effective in treating anxiety and anxiety related symptoms. Your therapist will explain the different approaches and you can determine what would be the best fit. If you would like to find out more click on the “Get Started” button above.