Living with Someone with Depression

Living with Someone Who is DepressedAccording to Statistics Canada 2012 report 4.7% of the Canadian population over the age of 15 met the criteria for depression. Depression isn’t something that happens in a vacuum. It has a ripple effect that touches everyone surrounding the person including friends and family members. People are left feeling hopeless, and are unsure of how to support their loved one while they are suffering, often overlooking their own needs and health. In some cases people may feel the need to protect the person who has depression and possibly even take responsibility for their feelings. You may feel angry that the person is depressed, anxious about expression your feelings, frustrated that they are not helping out with day to day activities as much, upset that your needs are not being met or feel that the person is being needy. This workshop focuses on providing information about depression, warning signs that your loved one may be thinking about suicide and self-care strategies.