The In’s and Out’s of Healthy Relationships (And How to Protect Yourself from Unhealthy Relationships)

It is that time of year again where everyone is looking for love.  Valentine’s Day has just past and spring is almost here.  This can be a time of year to examine your current relationship or look at why past relationships have not succeeded.  There are several characteristics that describe healthy relationships.  It can at times be difficult to identify whether you are in an unhealthy relationship when you are in the middle of it.  Emotions are involved and that can lead to you forgiving your partner for things that you never thought you would forgive someone for.  It is also possible that you may recognize that your relationship is not healthy and not know how to leave or feel you can leave.  This workshop will look at the key characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.  It will also try to help you identify what type of relationship you are in currently or possibly help you avoid unhealthy relationships in the future.  If you are currently in an unhealthy relationship this workshop will provide resources for services that can help you leave the relationship if you are ready.